Getting Out There

Buckskin Buttes – “edmaiers secret”

“Buckskin Buttes”

Buckskin Buttes as I call them are located upstream from the Wire Pass slot canyon confluence with Buckskin Gulch. It is reached easiest by parking at the Buckskin Gulch trailhead and by hiking down stream about two miles. There are shorter routes which require route finding skills and I am willing to share these with any who contact me directly. As with so many areas in the region this area has much to offer for those willing to explore a bit. The only photo expose’ of the area is in my book “Beyond The “Waves.””  While this area does not have the multitude of colors exhibited in the permit area of North Coyote Buttes it does have more examples of “Lace Rock” and of “Brain Rock” formations. My favorite approach to the area is from the east which is where this photo was taken. 

Driving up onto West Clark Bench one can cross country walk west about 2/3 of a mile to the rim of The Dive formation for a wonderful view of not only Buckskin Buttes but to the south all of North Coyote Buttes can be seen. The Butte can be scaled from the south and maybe other approaches. The deep “pockets” on top can hold water for an extended time allowing plats to grow that normally would exist here. Do the exploring and see for yourself.

Happy Hiking