Located east of Beaver Utah is the 3rd highest mountain range in Utah. These mountains were extensively prospected and had many mining claims and works. Check out Bullion canyon accessed through Marysvale on the east side of the mountain range. The highest peaks exceed 12,000 feet with Delano Peak being the highest at 12,169 feet. As far as magnificent peaks jutting into the sky Delano doesn’t measure up. With its gradual slopes masks the height of the peak in many ways. Two peaks that stand slightly shorter have the grandeur one expects in a high peak these are Mount Belknap and Mount Baldy both over 12,100 feet in height.
Mount Baldy and Mount Belknap
Routes to the top of these requires an extensive ascent/decent on loose talus. For this reason and their height they may not be much of an attraction for summit baggers. The Tushar mountains have an abundance of high level meadows and grass land above the tree line which has made them a wonderful habitat for Mountain goat herds. Large herds can be often spotted on these high slopes. The wonderful peaks and tundra level expanses make this a magical place. While watching evening fall on the summit and the valley outstretched before me I watched two different herds of elk grazing and bedding down below me as well as a distant herd of goats still in the last rays of the sun high on a meadow slope. The peace of the scene was amazing.
Elk preparing for the nightMountain Goats grazing on one of the high meadows
Because of the mining history of the range there are many good roads that make accessing these mountains very easy.
Mount Belknap and Upper Bullion Canyon
Deep canyons with crystal clear streams flow out of the range in several directions. This is a great destination where one can, in just a couple of miles hiking, be deep in the high country of this the third highest range in Utah.