Photo resource guide to Kane County, Utah, Coyote Gulch, White Pocket, Zion Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Coral Pink Sand Dunes, and so much more.
What Kane County, Utah has to offer
Outside Coyote Buttes
Many try to see the famous places in North and South Coyote Buttes such as The Wave, but there are many more things to see nearby that do not require a hiking permit. This book covers some of the many places to experience in Kane County. White Pocket, while not in Kane county is very close to Coyote Buttes and offers some of the most tortured sandstone in the world. It has much for the explorer to see and enjoy. Other areas such as white valley and sidestep canyons have a huge array of pinnacles and balanced rocks one will feel that they are on another planet. These areas are off the radar and you’ll have the place to yourself. If you are looking for something more Beyond Coyote Buttes is the resource you need to find what is just around the corner.